奇葩说带火了一段话: 在这人世当中,我们面对的大多数选择,并不是 The right way, or the wrong way. ( 正确的,还是错误的) 我们真正面临的选择是: The right way, or the easy way. (正确的,还是容易的)
我还没见过,有哪条正确的路,是容易走的。 比如华为的任正非 1987年,43岁的任正非, 拿着凑来的21000元, 在深圳一个烂棚棚里创立了华为。 任正非有一个大欲望——要把华为打造成为世界一流的通信设备供应商。 任正非把“大欲望”称为“主航道”。 1998年,华为出台了《华为基本法》。 基本法的第一条就是——“为了使华为成为世界一流的设备供应商,我们将永不进入信息服务业。” 中途,做房地产本可以爆发。 中途,做互联网本可以爆发。 中途,做资本运作本可以爆发。 但任正非从不为这些诱惑所动, 他选择了一条最难的路——技术之路。 “要在技术上坚持自主创新。” 1992年,任正非站在窗边, 一字一顿地对下属说: “这次研发如果失败了, 我就从楼上跳下去,你们另谋出路。” 正是因为这样一次次死磕技术, 华为终于成了世界第一通信公司。 2018年,华为营收7500亿, 超过阿里、腾讯、百度之总和。 有人问任正非:华为的秘诀是什么? 任正非说了这样一句话: “华为就是一只大乌龟, 二十多年来,只知爬呀爬, 全然没看见路两旁的鲜花, 不被各种所谓的风口所左右, 只傻傻地走自己的路。”
《圣经》上有一段话: “引到灭亡,那门是宽的, 路是大的,进去的人也多。 引到永生,那门是窄的, 路是小的,找着的人也少。” 耶稣对众人说: “你们要努力进窄门。 我告诉你们: 将来有许多人想要进去,却是不能。”
在一个行业里沉淀二十多年,想没有职业病,不做专家其实都挺难。 有个在圈子里很出名的朋友,做了二十多年的地板。 不论是何时何地,就专业问题都能立马开聊。 前些天我在朋友圈转发了一间我觉得很好,设计感很强的民宿,想着以后也去山间寻个地儿照样子弄一间,晚上朋友就着那条朋友圈,每一张图片都私发给我并作出讲解。告诉我如何选择合适的地板。
铺地板的学问,尤其是商业用途的地板并不是我们所看所用那么简单。 很多高档的民宿都会用高档的实木地板或实木复合地板,但它们优点在环保的大前提下确实有点乏善可陈,并无什么出彩之处。最初的好看也会因为民宿的淡旺季,太忙或者太闲的时候疏于保养而变色变形。
楼梯踏步 楼梯部分呢,用传统地板就要跟扣角妥协。要挡住地板缝隙边缘跟高低差,被迫的选择各式各样的踏步扣角。 很无奈的选择与整体风格都不太搭的金属楼梯扣角。
学问很多,坑也很多,不是说贵就好用,适合才是最重要的。谁用谁知道啊,设计感都是从细节来体现。其实这些问题都可以避免的。 不能让小小的瑕疵影响作品整体的美感。美是第一生产力,过后我们还要有过硬的产品去支撑这个设计。 比如说来自欧洲的乐迈Lamett石晶地板,新的产品特性可以完美的解决这些传统地板的痛点。防水防潮、不添加甲醛。从1985年开始一直到今天,一直都在地板行业默默耕耘。
Recently, a paragraph from a program “Let’s Talk” has become popular: In this world, most of the choices we face are not: The right way, or the wrong way. The choices we really face are: The right way, or the easy way.
So far, there has never been a right way to easily go through. For example, in 1987, Huawei was founded in a rotten shed in Shenzhen with 21,000 yuan by Ren Zhengfei,who was 43-year-old at that time. Not only that, Ren Zhengfei had a big desire that he would build Huawei into a world-class communications equipment supplier. However, he called "big desire" as the "main channel." In 1998, Huawei issued the "Huawei Basic Law." The first article of the Basic Law is that "In order to make Huawei become a world-class equipment supplier, we will never enter the information service industry." During that period, the real estate, the Internet and capital operations could have broken out. But Ren Zhengfei still chose the hardest road - technology. "We must adhere to independent innovation in technology." In 1992, Ren Zhengfei stood by a window, and slowly told his subordinates: "If this research fails, I will jump from the upstairs and you will find another way out.” Thus, Huawei has finally became world-class communications company. In 2018, Huawei's revenue was 750 billion, more than the sum of Alibaba, Tencent and Baidu.
Someone asked Ren Zhengfei: What Huawei’s secret of success is? He said: "Huawei is like a big turtle, just stupidly go our own way for more than 20 years, not being dominated by various so-called investment trends.”
There is a passage in the Bible: “Enter ye in at the strait gate, for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which goe in thereat:Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth vnto life, and few there be that finde it.Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.”
One of my friends has been in the flooring industry for more than 20 years. Regardless of the time and place, you can talk about professional issues of floor with him.
A few days ago, I forwarded some good pictures of a homestay on wechat. At night, my friend sent each picture to me privately and explained. And he taught me how to choose the suitable floor.
The knowledge of floor installation, especially for commercial use, is not as simple as what we see. Many high-end homestays prefer high-grade solid wood flooring or parquet, but in addition to warm foot feel, there is nothing useful. Finally, it could be out of shape or discoloratio due to difficulty in maintenance.
Generally, the homestay is near the mountains and rivers, so that the lighting of the homestay is good, and some rooms have large French windows or terraces. When choosing a floor, you must take into account the sunshine,the humid air outside and termites. These are solid wood floor killers.
The short head that has been cut will absorb water. When absorbing water, it turns black and moldy, like a "piano key."
The minerals in the natural solid wood will be oxidized and the color will turn to be darker or lighter. Therefore, there will be color difference.
The floor might be out of shape because of cupping. This is also the pain point of solid wood or parquet.
For the stair, the traditional floor should be compromised with the angle. To block the edge of the floor gap and the height difference, people are forced to choose a variety of stepping angle. Based on the characteristics of its core, Lamett crystal stone flooring can allow it to bend to 90 degrees and blend into the stairs.
If choose solid wood flooring, you had better pay more attention to the painting, which directly determines the life of all the flooring. There are two kinds of paintings, respectively are paint and wood wax oil. Some directly use wood wax oil, but this is actually very risky, because wood wax oil cannot block moisture exchange with the outside world completely,it is affected by the external air humidity and temperature.
If you choose wood wax oil in commercial, maintain cost can rise greatly. Whereas,paint can form the paint film like a plastic in lumber surface.
it is not to say that expensive products are good to use?Actually, the most important thing is to fit. Beauty is the No.1 productivity, and we have to have an excellent product to support the design. For example, Lamett crystal stone flooring from Europe, can perfectly solve the pain points of those traditional flooring, which is waterproof and no formaldehyde added.From 1985 to today, Lamett has been working hard in the flooring industry.
2018年度弹性地板行业十大国际品牌 洁福地板(中国)有限公司 阿姆斯壮(中国)投资有限公司 乐金华奥斯贸易(上海)有限公司 盟多地板(中国)有限公司 杰尼瑞国际贸易(上海)有限公司 丽杰特性板材(苏州)有限公司
中装材弹性地板分会联系方式: 陈 燕:15330229103 会员负责区域:江苏、广东、安徽、江西、陕西、山东、河南、重庆、四川、贵州 林 楠:15330229108 会员负责区域:北京、上海、天津、福建、湖北、云南、新疆、吉林、黑龙江、宁夏、西藏 赵会红:15330229105 会员负责区域:浙江、湖南、山西、甘肃、内蒙古 刘晓峰:18911377736 会员负责区域:河北、辽宁、广西、青海、海南
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